New Šumava roastery & "Café Etincelle"
The goal of the project is to establish a new dynamic and modern social enterprise that will employ people with disabilities, mainly with mild mental disabilities. The new social enterprise - the roaster - will offer fresh roasted coffee of various types. And that directly to customers on the spot (including tasting, so-called cupping), and also as an important supplier for cafes and bistros in the near and wider surroundings. When starting up the business, we rely on our own network of social cafes/bisters, where we will deliver coffee and also use them for distribution and sales to the end customer - as an already existing business network.
In order to achieve a functioning social enterprise supported by the subsidy, we must fulfill partial "soft" goals of the project.
They are:
1. employ/train people with mental disabilities and prepare them for work in a new social enterprise,
2. start the operation of a new social enterprise, set up processes, establish work procedures and employ the workers needed for the roastery,
3. to maintain and further develop jobs for persons with disabilities in a social enterprise,
4. obtain a sufficient volume of orders for the sustainable functioning of the social enterprise.
The goal of the project is thus to start a social enterprise and bring other people with mental disabilities to the labor market, whose quality of life will increase thanks to employment and will thus be more easily integrated into mainstream society.
The newly founded social enterprise will be able to help the target group in the above described intentions. A prepared business plan will help to ensure the long-term sustainability of the social enterprise's activities, i.e. profit management and the sustainability of the jobs created.
Financial support from the EU is provided for the project.