we clean at your doorstep
Glad to.
We have been taking care of landscaping and public spaces since 2008. We have eleven cleaning teams. In Prague, you can meet us in Smíchov, Radotín, Zbraslav, Pankrác, Letňany, Prosek
and Dolní Počernice. In Kladno, we take care of Sletiště and we also clean the Kročehlavy district.

how does it work?
Each cleaning team has an assistant supervisor who supervises the work of four or more employees with disabilities, depending on the size of the team.
We like to give job opportunities to local people
with disabilities who live in the locality.
We won most of the contracts in regular public tenders. We can provide our services in the form of substitute performance.
WHAT can we do?
We can handle regular cleaning of municipal waste on streets, sidewalks and parks. We help in winter
with snow removal. In addition to these works, the team can
also rake grass and leaves, collect fallen branches, adjust the so-called "shining" of sidewalk edges.We usually work
on working days from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This is manual cleaning of public spaces. Group
in the "rojnica" they clean the given locality of waste. They use collecting extended hands to work. They collect waste in plastic bags. If specified, waste can be sorted into plastics, glass, paper and mixed waste. The location of the cleaning is selected according to the recurring list of locations or on the specific assignment of the contractor's employee.
If necessary, we are able to provide a car to move the cleaning team.

we offer:
manual cleaning of footpaths
manual cleaning of footpaths
manual cleaning of public green areas (grassy areas, bushes)
raking leaves
spring cleaning of public green areas
removal of encroached trees
maintenance of urban furniture (baskets, benches)
winter maintenance of pedestrian roads
cleaning of warehouses, corridors and offices
disposal of black landfills
cleaning of container stands
extraordinary cleaning of public areas (spring cleaning)