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Social Services

We help people with disabilities to live a dignified life.

In addition to working with us, they can also find support through two social services.

Sociální rehabilitce

social rehabilitation

startujeme, ops  

Kročehlavská 237, Kladno - Kročehlavy

  • support for people with mental disabilities in finding employmentin the openlabor market

  • education with the aim of building work habits and abilities

  • support during independence

  • support and assistance in negotiationswith the authoritiesand institutions

  • debt relief support

Chráněné bydlen

Office opening hours for new users:

MON-WED  9:00 - 14:00
Thu  10:00 - 17:00
FRI  9:00 - 12:00
then according to the agreement with the workers


Uršula Kurková, T: +420 605 403 917


The social rehabilitation service is financially supported by the project Support of selected types of social services in the Central Bohemian Region IV. with registration No. CZ.03.02.01/00/22_003/0000063.The goal of the project is to ensure the development, effective support and financing of a selected type of social service in SK territory. The project is financed from the ESF, the state budget of the Czech Republic and the budget of the Central Bohemian Region. The implementer of the project is the Central Bohemian Region.

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