Bistro Mezi Řádky in Nové HutĚ

The aim of the project is to create a new social enterprise bistro/café. The new operation, which will be established in building no. 88 in Nové Huty, will offer stable work to eight people with disabilities, mostly with mild mental disabilities.
The social bistro/café business will offer quality and affordable snacks for visitors to the region. And in addition, with an attractive story about the involvement of people with disabilities in life, which seems so common to us. We will bring into operation all the experience we have gained during the preparation and operation of our existing cafes and bistros since 2009 (opened the first cafe Startujeme, ops). When preparing the project, we also use information from experts from PricewaterhouseCoopers, who prepared a study of the development potential of our concept of social bistros.
In order to achieve a functioning social enterprise through support from the IROP grant, we must subsequently fulfill the partial "soft" goals of the project.
They are:
1. employ/train people with mental disabilities and prepare them for work in a new social enterprise,
2. start the operation of a new social enterprise, set up processes, establish work procedures and employ the necessary workers for the bistro/café,
3. to maintain and further develop jobs for persons with disabilities in a social enterprise,
4. obtain a sufficient number of regular and random customers for the sustainable functioning of the social enterprise.
The goal of the project is to start a social enterprise and bring other people with mental disabilities to the labor market, who will improve their quality of life thanks to employment and thus be more easily integrated into mainstream society.
The newly founded social enterprise will be able to help the target group in the above described intentions. The prepared business plan will contribute to ensuring the long-term sustainability of the activities of the social enterprise, i.e. profit management and the sustainability of the jobs created.
Financial support from the EU is provided for the project.